Astor Compact Detachable Seat System An overview to this optional extra

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Astor Compact Detachable Seat System


  • Optional system to be used with Compact, Compact Plus or Compact Plus DC baths
  • Allows seamless transfer from room to bath—no need for hoists or extra manoeuvring within the bathroom
  • Safe handling option for “one Carer”

The unique Detachable Seat System for the Compact range of Astor-Bannerman Care baths is a fantastic new option to assist with the ease of patient handling and bathing. The clever system allows a resident to be wheeled from their room in the seat fixed to the transfer chassis, as they would in a wheel chair, safely secured with a lap belt and side nursing arms. Residents can then be wheeled alongside the bath to enable the fixed arm on the bath to be connected to the seat. Safely secured, the transfer chassis can be removed and the seat becomes an integrated bath seat that can safely transfer the bather into the bath. At the end of the bath, the reverse allows a bather to be efficiently manoeuvred out of the bath on the seat, for the transfer chassis to be engaged, and for the bather to wrapped in a robe and quickly wheeled back to their room to be changed in the comfort of their own room. The seat also has a commode option. When the seat is out of the bath, a flexible headrest can be fitted to the bath arm to convert it into a comfortable standard bath with headrest.


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