If you work at a college or university, you know how much school supplies your students go through throughout the year. Many times, these items are only needed for a couple of months and remain in storage for the remainder of the semester. Bookcases and filing and storage cabinets often aren’t large enough to store extra paperwork or learning equipment. Rather than overstocking shelving or paying for expensive storage units, consider installing an overhead lift to maximize the space you already have.
Lift and Store specializes in making overhead lifts for educational institutions struggling to find more classroom storage. Our mobile storage lifts bolt right into your ceiling, freeing up your floor space. They also offer an extra layer of security by keeping your supplies stored up high, out of unauthorized reach. Plus, you’re able to see and access your supplies year-round. With the push of a button, our mobile lifts move up and down.
Overhead School and Campus Storage Systems
Several colleges and universities throughout the country have benefited from Lift and Store’s school storage solutions. With over 28 years of experience, we’ve helped educational institutions store the following:
No matter what storage needs your campus or learning center calls for, Lift and Store can help! If you’re ready to start maximizing your space, get in touch with us today for a quote.
University Rec Centers That Love Lift and Store

Most Favorited Storage Solutions for Schools
School facilities managers enjoy using our overhead security cages for classroom and office equipment, while athletic departments and student recreation centers utilize our overhead bike storage systems and kayak storage systems for school-owned recreation equipment.