Collaborating with Architects & Construction companies to deliver bespoke solutions within mainstream schools to support disabled pupils

We have many years of experience working with borough councils, academies, building contractors and architects across the UK to facilitate School new builds, extensions and refurbishments to existing buildings. We are one of the country’s leading experts in transfer and hygiene within schools, changing places, and family homes and have in depth knowledge and experience in the design, layout, installation and maintenance of transfer equipment (including ceiling hoists), showering, changing tables, height adjustable washbasins.  We have provided equipment and project support within mainstream schools for disabled pupils as well as specialist SEND provisions, working with architects, building contractors and OTs to find bespoke solutions for each project.

Training for Schools - equipment needs for disabled pupils

We offer a range of training and support options to enable you to plan, design and install the best and most appropriate equipment for your school project, working within The Department of Education Guidelines, BB103, which outlines the requirement of provision for disabled pupils within mainstream schools.

How can we help?

Our skilled team have many years’ experience of planning and installing equipment within public environments such as schools. Please do get in touch if you need help or advice with your project or with the Government guidelines on what equipment you need to provide.

School Design & Consultancy Services: Department of Education BB103 Guidelines
Built on Experience, Integrity & Trust

Getting the design and build phase part of the project correct is essential. It will ensure the right products are selected to address needs, that the pre installation work is carried out correctly, ensuring walls and ceilings are reinforced where necessary, allowing installation and project completion to run smoothly.

Astor Bannerman have over 20 years of experience working with main contractors within the School sector, following guidelines laid out in BB103 to support the physical needs of students with SEND through the provision of hygiene rooms, washing and changing equipment and overhead hoists. We pride ourselves on providing expert design and consultancy services, throughout the whole process.

Our knowledge and expertise of guidelines and requirements to provide for disabled pupils within Mainstream Schools will help your project to run seamlessly. From the project inception right through to delivery, we will help guide you through the process.

Whether you’re looking at a new build project or refurbishment to an existing build; at a mainstream or specialist SEND school – we can help you to plan your transfer and accessible washing and changing equipment at every stage.

Some School Equipment Installation Case Studies

The Astor Bannerman Way

Astor Bannerman is a trusted partner offering quality and reliability

We do not just sell product –we build relationships with on-going support

We invest heavily in product development creating the best product options

Astor Bannerman works with you to find solutions to suit your needs

In partnership we train, we listen, we refine & develop

Quality Assured


We pride ourselves on providing high-end built to last products, reducing the overall cost of the product over its lifespan and giving reassurance of patient safety.

Our Work & Partners

We are proud to have worked with some of the leading providers, Builders and Architects with the SEND sector.

Recent SEND Projects

The John Fielding School is relocating to a new facility ready for opening in September 2021, and will be renamed Boston Endeavour Academy (BEA).

The new school will have space for 140 pupils delivering a provision for ‘all-needs’, and will be located next to St Nicholas Primary School, on Kitwood Road, Boston.

We are delighted to have been involved in this exciting new project and look forward to it opening and welcoming pupils in September.

Showering Equipment for Schools

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